BHSc Acupuncture, Dip.
Certified Neuropuncturist
Medical Qi Gong & Tai ji Teacher
Member of Acupuncture NZ & Chinese Medical Council
ACC Treatment Provider
Gold Member Neuropuncture - Neurolab US
Fastrack Neuropuncturist Online Training 2022
Doctorate set for 2025 - seeking FND patients and funding
Alex has 10 years clinical experience as an Acupuncturist and 11 years experience as a Qi Gong & Tai ji teacher.
Her passion has always been medicine, having grown up within a family of healers, but her previous career was in finance and recruitment with management and consultancy experience in UK, Sydney and New Zealand. After working and travelling the world she realised the corporate industry was not for her.
She made a decision to practice medicine and discovered that Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture were the perfect fit. Her Grandpop had inspired her as he was a radionics practitioner working with frequency.
Neuropuncuture sparked a keen interest in Alex immediately, impacting by aligning with her values. This evolutionary branch of acupuncture integrates the holistic Traditional Chinese Medicine model and does not subtract from the effaces of the traditional acupuncture system, it only amplifies and further explains its unique, powerful neuromodulating effects that can be scientifically understood and harnessed by Neuropunctures techniques.
Alex’s passion is working with mental wellness, long covid, neurodegenerative disease including concussion and musculoskeletal conditions.
Alex has taken great care to foster a calming, safe and professional clinic that promotes healing and provides continued health benefits.
“I suffered a traumatic injury and was subsequently diagnosed with FND. Neuropuncture is the only relief I get from my discomfort, my life has been completely transformed ”
— Lucy Bain