Lockdown 2021


Who is listening?

Lockdown 2021

As we approach our fourth week into lockdown Level 4 for Auckland and Level 3 for the rest of New Zealand I wanted to share some of the experiences myself, family and friends have had this time around. With the intention of sharing the load and collectively bringing together our little Acupuncture community. This time for us its been a bit tough. I wanted to take the opportunity to openly discuss our mental wellbeing or health. What Neuropuncture can do to help and what tools have helped our family situation. This may be of some use to you.

Chaotic World

The shock of the recent terrorist attack in Auckland has impacted heavily us and the children. I also appreciate how lucky we are in comparison to the rest of the world. I write this with the intention of collective compassion to all who are effected in this chaotic time on earth.

Screen time

One of the world wide issues faced by all whether it be in lockdown, times of war, terror attack or general viewing is, what we view and harm this causes. Plus importantly the amount of screen time. This is not a new issue and one we are most unlikely to resolve or agree upon in my lifetime. In my opinion a worthy topic of discussion. I am hoping it will be resolved in my children’s lifetime and continuing to talk about it will guide them, and the online providers to change access to what young people are viewing.


The amount of screen time nearly triples in our household during lockdown. There are many sites and many more will appear over the course of the next few years. At present we have had negative experiences as some platforms are being used to express nastiness vilifying young people. These sites appear to operate mostly unchecked by the authorities. There are various solutions offered on several media platforms including TV. One we think works is changing the password or key to the internet in addition programming shut off times with the provider. Many teenager are viewing sites all night. Checking and re checking this is the key to its success. We find this is one way to reduce teenage anxiety.

Teenage Anxiety

Many studies have shown teenagers experience anxiety from cyber bullying and many other mental health issues. One being the impairment of receptors in the brain that are responsible for the release of dopamine. Dopamine is a very important neurotransmitter that plays a role in how we feel pleasure and happiness. Neuropuncture can assist the brain to regulate the transmission of dopamine. Assisting in Improving and stabilizing mood.

Ear Acupuncture and herbal formulas also assist in the managements of anxiety. We are listening at Alex Acupuncture please call us or email.



